Application of multi-criteria decision-making methods for the conveyor belt selection in practice

  • Miriam Andrejiová Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Mechanical Ingineering
  • Anna Grincova Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Mechanical Ingineering
  • Zuzana Kimakova Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Mechanical Ingineering
Keywords: multi-criteria decision-making, scoring method, best-worst method, pairwise comparison, Saaty’s method, conveyor belt


Determination of the weights (preferences) of criteria is the first step in the process of multiple criteria decision-making and the assessment of several variants, i.e. solutions to the decision-making problems in practice. The purpose of this article was to define the most important criteria (factors) and their preferences in the process of selecting a suitable type of conveyor belt or a suitable conveyor belt structure. The weights of selected criteria were determined by applying the multiple criteria decision-making methods (scoring method, best-worst method, pairwise comparison and Saaty’s method).

Transport & Logistics